Welcome from the IALP President

At each IALP Congress that I have attended I have been overwhelmed by the opportunities to learn from colleagues working in similar areas but in different systems. I come away refreshed and invigorated and feel that attendance has improved my clinical and research practice. They are sociable and welcoming events where I have met individuals who have become lifelong colleagues and friends.

2022 sounds as if it’s a long way off! But it will come quickly!

With the overall theme of Looking Forward you will not be surprised to see that the following 3 themes will permeate the programme:

  • Intervention with Multilingual Children – Evidence Based Practice
  • Technological Developments to Enhance Assessment and Treatment
  • Improving Quality of Service Provision

I suggest that you put this in your forward diary- think about whether you are going to submit an abstract and consider how you can get financial support to attend.
Why not think of adding on a week or 2 so that you can have a holiday while you are in New Zealand!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Pam Enderby OBE, PhD, DSc, MSc, FRCSLT President IALP